How do I use Kala Listings?

How do I use Kala Listings?

Kala Listings is the new peer-to-peer platform that allows you a safe, secure, and simple way to trade your Kala. It’s easy to get started.

Access Listings

STEP 1: Log in to your Kala wallet. If you don’t have a wallet yet, go to to create one for free.

STEP 2: Select Listings.

STEP 3: Get KYC Verified. In order to trade Kala through listings you must verify your identity through our third-party KYC service (offered free of charge). Once you are KYC approved, you can browse listings to trade for more Kala, or create your own listing.

*NOTE: You will be required to enable location settings on your device in order to submit your KYC application.

Listings is also available in Spanish. Go to Settings to change your language preference.

Kala listings streamlines the P2P trading process by holding all Kala and BTC in an escrow account. You can feel secure that each transaction is conducted with a verified user who is guaranteed to have the Kala or BTC involved in the trade.

Full integration with the Kala Wallet makes it even simpler to use, and to protect privacy, trading parties remain anonymous through using listing IDs.

Ready to take Kala Listings for a spin?

Quick Listings Walkthrough

From the main screen, you can see all listings, which can be sorted by Kala price, Kala amount, BTC price, and date the listing expires. A listing is active for 72 hours.

To Purchase a Kala Listing

1. Click View Details on the listing you would like to purchase.

2. After clicking Purchase, the Listing summary page will show you the details of the transaction as well as the exact BTC amount you need to send. You will have 15 minutes to send the full BTC amount to complete the transaction or else it will expire.

3. Send your BTC, following the instructions. You will be notified once the transaction is complete.

Be aware, if you click ‘Purchase’ on three different Listings within one hour and fail to complete any of them, your account will be locked for 3 hours.

To Create a Kala Listing

1. Click on the New Listing icon. 

2. Add a BTC wallet address (for depositing BTC when the transaction goes through), the Kala Quantity, and the Kala Price (in USD) you wish to trade for.

NOTE: It will show you the locked in BTC price, estimated BTC value, and the listing fee. The estimated BTC value is calculated based on price per Kala, Kala amount, and locked in BTC price. You will receive this value, less any transaction and network fees.

3. Send your Kala to the escrow Kala Wallet address

4. Enter the confirmation code that is emailed to you. You must do this within 20 minutes or the transaction will expire and your listing will not be activated.

5. Once the above steps are complete, your listing will become active within 5 minutes. It will remain active for 72 hours. After 72 hours, you will have the option to renew your listing for no additional listing fee, or refund your listing minus any transaction fees.

It’s important to note that there are listing and transaction fees associated with using Kala Listings. As a result, there is a minimum requirement of $100 (in Kala) per listing.

You can see all your Listings activity under the My Listings tab. This includes any purchases, as well as the options to renew or refund any expired listings.

Kala Listings makes peer-to-peer trading of Kala simple, secure, and safe. Visit the Kala Wallet to dive in and start trading!
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