How do I redeem my CORE points for Kala?

How do I redeem my CORE points for Kala?

Have you earned points through activities in CORE? Good news! CORE has been integrated with Kala and starting today, you can redeem your hard-earned points for Kala!

If you’re ready to get your hands on Kala, all you’ll need are three simple steps:
  1. Log into CORE and click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, then click “Convert to Kala”.
  2. Enter the number of points you’d like to convert.
  3. Enter your Kala Wallet address. If you don’t have a Kala Wallet, create one HERE for free before converting your points.
Once submitted, your redeemed Kala will be deposited into your wallet within minutes. Then it’s yours to use as you choose!

A Few Things to Keep in Mind…

At this time, you can redeem 2 points for 1 Kala.
Our Kala testing has shown a delivery time of just a few minutes. If you have still not received your Kala within one hour after converting your points, please reach out to the Nui Customer Support Portal.
We want to thank all our loyal members for their patience as we continue to make improvements and bring you the best opportunities to earn.

Log in to CORE to Get Started!

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